Debian -- The Universal Operating System

I will use Debian 9 Stretch for the demonstration. Adding a Package Repository Manually on Debian. The package repository information is stored on the /etc/apt/sources.list file. You may edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file directly to add a new package repository. You can run the following command to edit /etc/apt/sources.list file: Add a Simple Samba File Server as a Domain Member | Linux If you’re using the Debian version of the /etc/samba/smb.conf from backports, throw away everything in it, because it’s garbage Samba 3 stuff and they haven’t bothered tidying anything up. For a simple Samba file server, you just need your [global] section and your share definition. 3 Easy Ways to Connect to Windows Shared Folders from Linux Jul 10, 2017 How to install Debian 9 Linux on a home server

How To Install and Enable SSH Server on Debian 10

Konfigurasi Samba File Server Di Debian Server - Alvian Blog Konfigurasi Samba File Server Di Debian A. PENGERTIAN File server adalah sebuah komputer terpasang ke jaringan yang memiliki tujuan utama memberikan lokasi untuk akses disk bersama , yaitu penyimpanan bersama file komputer (seperti dokumen, file suara, foto, film, gambar , database, dll) yang bisa diakses oleh workstation yang melekat pada How To Set Permanent DNS Nameservers in Ubuntu and Debian

How to Install Xrdp Server (Remote Desktop) on Debian 10

Debian -- The Universal Operating System