May 26, 2019 · Sputnik sells their services in a variety of packages, including wireless hardware, paid access to their hotspot centers and software to install on local servers. The default DD-WRT user already has a wireless router with Sputnik feature. The company also offers another free hotspot management service called SputnikNet Express.

You hate it as much as I do: that little box that appears whenever you visit a news site or blog, asking for permission to bug you with notification boxes for stuff you don’t care about. Instead DD-WRT, Chillispot or WifiDog Hotspot assistance We are only charging a dollar per day so using Paypal with Sputnik is not practical since paypal charges .33 per Jul 16, 2013 · The Sputnik Agent firmware is a DD-WRT-based firmware that you can use when deploying a Wi-Fi hotspot using the SputnikNet web-based management system, which provides a full-featured hotspot solution for free or fee-based hotspots. Though the regular DD-WRT firmware includes the Sputnik Agent feature as well, the Sputnik version of DD-WRT has DD-WRT. DD-WRT seems to be the most popular, feature-rich, and updated replacement firmware out there. Its first versions were based on the Alchemy firmware from Sveasoft, another firmware developer I'll discuss. Like similar projects, DD-WRT adds features that surpass what the hardware vendors offer in consumer-grade routers. The Sputnik-powered Ubiquiti NanoStation 2 and NanoStation 5 will be available within 60 days and be priced at $99 and $119 respectively. These prices include activated DD-WRT Professional firmware which separately starts at approximately $29.50 per license. Interesting development that open-source Wi-Fi gateway firmware project incorporates Sputnik software: The Sputnik Agent allows a gateway to be managed by Sputnik's central aggregation software. The DD-WRT project has gained props both from its extensive installed base in Germany, as well as Fon using it as the base on which they will develop Dec 11, 2008 · Sputnik ( offers a free service called SputnikNet Express that I've gotten to work with Netgear open source router. SputnikNet Express uses a DDWRT build to connect to your account with them. With SputnikNet Express installed on your WGR614L, you can: Brand a login page (while limited, it's decent for most rollouts) Block private nets

DD-WRT, Chillispot or WifiDog Hotspot assistance We are only charging a dollar per day so using Paypal with Sputnik is not practical since paypal charges .33 per

Tạo một Hotspot riêng bằng DD-WRT - 2020-7-19 · Sputnik bán các dịch vụ của họ trong nhiều gói khác nhau, gồm có phần cứng không dây, truy cập trả phí đến trung tâm hotspot của họ và phần mềm để cài đặt trên các máy chủ cục bộ. Người dùng DD-WRT mặc định đã có router không dây có tính năng DD-WRT Hotspot Setup

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2009-8-24 Create a private Hotspot with DD-WRT - TipsMake DD-WRT V23 SP2 supports three types of hotspots: 1. NoCatSplash: A simple captive portal with a custom landing page.. 2. ChilliSpot: A captive portal client / server source, which can support the implementation of policies and promotion (illustrated in the image above).. 3. Sputnik: A commercial captive portal client / server like ChilliSpot but supported by subscription costs and a nice, full Flashing EnGenius devices with Sputnik-Powered DD-WRT If you flashed the device with Sputnik-default DD-WRT firmware from Sputnik's web site, it will be on - default username: root - default password: admin. Enable the WAN port. Select "Basic Setup" under the "Setup" menu. For WAN Connection Type, change from "Disabled" to "Automatic Configuration - DHCP". Click "Apply Settings" at