Determining unique MAC and IP addresses in a PCAP

Mar 30, 2020 Public IP addresses in Azure | Microsoft Docs A public IP address is assigned to the VPN Gateway to enable communication with the remote network. You can only assign a dynamic basic public IP address to a VPN gateway. Application gateways. You can associate a public IP address with an Azure Application Gateway, by assigning it to the gateway's frontend configuration. Determining unique MAC and IP addresses in a PCAP As hangsanb alluded to, you can use Wireshark's Statistics -> Endpoints, then choose the Ethernet tab for a list of unique MAC addresses, and choose the IPv4 (or IPv6) tab for the list of unique IP addresses.You probably want to disable name resolution to see the actual values instead of the resolved OUI's or domain names. The nice thing about Statistics -> Endpoints is that it comes equipped

Why do other people have the same IP address as me?

What Is an IP Address? An IP address is a unique, identifying number for a piece of hardware within a network. IP address stands for Internet Protocol address.

Why do other people have the same IP address as me?

https - Is unique IP address a must for SSL? - Webmasters Using a SAN certificate saves you the hassle and time involved in configuring multiple IP addresses on your Exchange 2007 server, binding each IP address to a different certificate, and running a lot of low level Power Shell commands just to piece it all together. IP Address - What is an IP address? Every computer on the Internet has a unique numerical address, called an Internet Protocol (IP) address, used to route packets to it across the Internet.. Just as your postal address enables the postal system to send mail to your house from anywhere around the world, your computer's IP address gives the Internet routing protocols the unique information they need to route What is an IP address?